ERASMUS PLUS – Be Competent Go Digital – A1. Creation of EU Framework based on DIGCOMP – Italy

Be Competent Go Digital


A1. Creation of EU Framework based on DIGCOMP

Desk Research 



Part 1- Good Practices 

There are several courses on digital consumption, promoted by public and private bodies, but also by the government, in particular by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (Digital Competences: Digital Competences – Course Catalogue). The courses are divided into levels, i.e. basic, intermediate and advanced for different targets. For adults, there are digital literacy courses for professionalisation and further training. One course promoted by EPALE assesses one’s digital skills, others are based on video lessons . There are courses geared towards online shopping and consumption, but they are in a distinct minority and it is not easy to find a course for adults on the Internet that gives training on how to shop safely online, especially due to the difficulty of finding content for an often dysfunctional course indexation.  The courses listed are examples of resources available in Italy.

Often these courses are general courses that have equally general and sometimes generic content and are not specific to online shopping, but describe the digital world from the use of hardware tools to software, etc. etc. Often the courses are chargeable, only a few are entirely free, often because they are financed by national or regional projects.

Name Come fare acquisti online

(how to do online purchase)

Target group Foreigners resident in Italy
Duration Approximately 10 minutes per video
Topics/skills covered Tips and tricks from A to Z (part 1)

Registering with the Poste Italiane website (part 2)

Activating web security for online purchases (part 3)

Competencies adult trainers Centro Assistenza Stranieri members
Website Noistranieri – Il portale dell’immigrazione e degli immigrati in Italia è un centro assistenza stranieri


Name Operazione Risorgimento digitale

(Operation Digital Resurgence)

Target group Consumers
Duration 7 Video pills made with consumer associations for safe and conscious use of the Internet.







Competencies adult trainers Contact persons and teachers of Italian consumer associations


Name I diritti dei consumatori online

(Online consumers’rights)

Target group Consumers
Duration Not defined
Topics/skills covered Shopping Online

Privacy and Internet Security

Web 2.0 / Public Administration

Protection through the Web

Competencies adult trainers Contact persons and teachers of Italian consumer associations


Name Saper(e)Consumare

(know and consume)

Target group High school students
Duration 5 webniar per topics (20h in total) 2 hour each one
Topics/skills covered Digital Education

to learn about rights, opportunities and risks in the world of continuous connection.

Why digital awareness: to make the country run, to live a full life also online

Rights in communications and digital networks, from broadband to 5G

Digital conscious consumption: what you need to know before and during a purchase

Conscious digital consumption: what you need to know after a purchase and protections in the electronic communications market

Educating on digital and conscious consumption, between new skills and the risks of the Net

Consumer rights

to orient and protect oneself in the world of labels, counterfeiting and data use.

Consumer rights: history and evolution

Unfair commercial practices online: if you know them, you avoid them

Protecting freedom of choice in digital consumption and unsustainable behaviour

Greenwashing: smoke and mirrors for sustainable buyers

Journey into the universe of products

Sustainable consumption

to support the circular economy, avoid waste, manage resources and make conscious choices.

Sustainable consumption and circular economy: universal goals, shared rights

Conscious choices to reduce pollution and the ‘sea’ of plastic

Reducing the waste of our consumption, eliminating food waste, recovering resources with separate waste collection

Sustainable consumption of resources: from good practices to “close the loop” to the collaborative economy

How to reduce the ‘footprints’ of our consumption. From environmental footprint to efficient water management

Financial education

to learn how to “read”, compare and choose financial products and services.

Planning and making informed financial decisions for yourself and your family

Buying online or in shop? What you need to know

What to know before investing your savings, from investment tools to diversification

Sustainable finance: how to invest responsibly and take care of your future

Banking and financial services: knowing, choosing wisely and defending our interests

Competencies adult trainers Ministry of Economic Development contacts, subject matter experts


Name Digconsum
Target group Students and citizens 
Duration 60  minutes per module (x3)
Topics/skills covered The course consists of three different modules:

1. Pre-purchase

2. Purchase

3. Post-purchase

Each module consists of units with learning material and respective quizzes

Navigating, searching and filtering information related to goods and services

Evaluate and compare information about goods and services

Recognising and evaluating commercial communication and advertising

Managing digital identity and profile in the digital marketplace

Knowledge of responsible and sustainable consumption in the digital marketplace

Interacting in the digital marketplace to buy and sell

Participating in collaborative economy platforms

Managing payments and finances through digital means

Understanding copyrights, licences and contracts for digital goods and services

Managing privacy and personal data

Protecting health and safety

Sharing information with other consumers in the digital marketplace

Enforcing consumer rights in the digital marketplace

Identifying gaps and limitations in digital consumer competence

Competencies adult trainers Erasmus Project

Project partners translated the course into Italian, Greek, English, French, Turkish and Spanish



Part 2- Results of the findings/data on current competencies of adult learners and adult trainers in the field online shopping. 

Eurostat has published updated data to 2021 on the digital economy in the EU27 countries, and Italy remains one of the countries with the lowest Internet penetration.

The highest percentage (99 per cent) of households with Internet access in 2021 was recorded in Luxembourg and the Netherlands, while Finland, Ireland, Denmark, Spain and Austria also had 95 per cent or more of households with Internet access. The EU27 average is 92%. At the bottom is Bulgaria, with 84%. Not far behind is our country, at 88%. Four percentage points below the average despite the fact that, as is well known, the pandemic has strongly encouraged the use of the Net.

Italy ranks 24th out of 27 countries, ahead of only Romania and Bulgaria, with less than a third (31%) of individuals having purchased goods or services online. But who buys online in Italy? According to the quarterly survey “Net Retail, The Role of Digital in Italians’ Purchases”, carried out by Netcomm with the support of Human Highway, Italians buy online:

  • They are aged between 25-44 years (those who buy the least are aged 55 and over); however, it should be noted that 11.4% of frequent buyers are on average 54 years old;
  • They are predominantly men (57%) and the concentration of university graduates is three times higher than the population average;
  • They are concentrated in large urban centres: as the size of the centre of residence increases, so does the concentration of online shoppers in the population. In small centres, those below 10 thousand inhabitants, there is 1 online buyer for every 5.8 individuals, while in large centres 1 for every 2.1.

Users turn, to make their purchases, to what are defined as e-retailers, i.e. “operators that were born with the Net and did not exist before the advent of the Internet”, followed by “Marketplaces”, i.e. “those platforms that enable the exchange of products between consumers or between companies and final consumers”. Returning to the question we were asking ourselves, ‘what do online users buy’, the research notes that the seasonal effect on the distribution of spending is evident: in December, products return to prevail at the expense of services following the reduction in the incidence of tourist services after the summer. In December, travel and tourism accounted for 26% of online purchases. Clothing and footwear, household appliances, food products and online paid services are the categories that have grown the most in recent years.

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